Wednesday I attended a baby-wearing workshop at a local shoppe. I learned a lot about the benefits of wearing a baby using wraps, instead of the more popular baby bjorn, etc. It's really interesting that there are so many different kinds of wraps, for all different purposes. The most versatile one, the "german wrap" seems like the one that we could get the most use out of. The benefits include a hands free way to hold your baby, which allows you to actually do more than sit on the couch like a bump on a log, especially while nursing. Another benefit is the ability to nurse pretty discreetly (especially if you are a modest woman like myself!). Oh yeah, these things are good for a baby up to 35 lbs! They also are the most natural way to carry your baby and also puts it into the best position, physiologically.
So, I'm pretty sure that we will attempt this baby wearing thing. It seems that even though we swore that we were not turning into dirty valley hippies, they are slowly influencing our baby decisions!!!
In other news, we are excited to announce our new niece was born on Wednesday night (we heard just as I got back home)!!!!! Mom and baby are doing great - Delaney was born at 8 pm 6.13 lbs!!!! We are psyched to go see everyone on Sunday!
Oooh! I'm already thinking a Moby wrap for when our baby is little and a mei tai for when it outgrows that. That's just from what I've read, though, so you'll definitely have to tell me how your experience goes. I don't know that I'd be a total "babywearer" (i.e., I'm not planning to join the cult) but hopefully a bit of a combo BW and stroller user. I'd love to go to a workshop--I know there are NINO meetings, but I'm afraid that's where they recruit for the cult. You know how persuasive those dirty hippies can be--one minute you just want some info on tying your wrap, then next minute they're convincing you to breastfeed your kindergartner.
When I was a kid, we didn't have these fance baby wraps. We just dragged them around inside a Hefty garbage bag and if we couldn't find a garbage bag, we tied a rope around their necks and dragged them that way.
If it was good enough for me, it's good enough for you punks.
No no, back off, ladies--that prize catch is all mine.
I'll need to either keep this baby lashed to me or hide all our hefty bags and rope.
I'm so excited that Delaney has been born. What a beautiful girl! I'm also anxiously awaiting Gaius' arrival :)
I just wanted to tell you that I hear so much about babywearing at the store, and all good things. Of course, it's sort of a hippie haven of a store, but still...I have heard great things about that German wrap. We have a similar one, and it seems to be the most versatile and the easiest to use. Rave reviews! :) I can't wait to see you both toting Gaius on yourselves. It's okay to be a little hippie, but if Gaius ever has dreadlocks, I'll be so angry at you.
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