I said I wasn't going to ask Jen to help me with my around-the-house projects.
Today, I decided, come Hell or high water, I was going to make progress on the the nursery renovations. To make said progress, I needed Jen's help. So I asked for it. She gladly, and without resentment, took up arms to assist me in our war for aesthetic freedom and liberty. As the getting-very-pregnant Jenny said, "Fighting the forces of entropy is hard work. I'm either with you, my dear Brad, or I'm against you."
I was proud to serve with her today on the front lines of construction. We accomplished a lot. First, we stuffed all of the giant holes in the wall with insulation. Then we patched the holes with drywall. After that, we applied the first layer of drywall compound (also known as "mud).

Oh, the humanity.
The cats weren't much help either. All three of them were running around me, chasing each other, and doing things they shouldn't be doing.
For example, Ichabod was eating fiberglass insulation. I got it out of his mouth before he could swallow, but the damage was done. He had so much fiberglass embedded in his tongue that when he licked my arm, I started bleeding.
Filbert, too, was up to mischief. While I was in the middle of screwing-up a sheet of drywall, he wanted to play his favorite game, "Who's the Baby?" He jumped into the pack-and-play and started howling like some kind of ape.
I don't know what we're going to do with these cats; they are insane.

Well, that's the progress report, and I'm glad there's progress to report. If all goes well, we should be painting by next week.
I think I remember this part of the Book of Revelations: something about "the beast with backfat shall emerge from the briny deep," right?
Best of luck with the renovations -- Jen, you look very cute in those goggles!
PS: We got your email & voicemail about next weekend -- I will call you tonight!
Love the pics, keep 'em coming! (Jen, you do look cute in goggles!) Looking forward to seeing the finished room, too!
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