How about an answer to the question, "Why blog about our impending parenthood?".
That's easy. Friends and family are not as close as we would like them to be. Our schedules are busy and it's hard to find time to make those phone calls we're always meaning to make. A blog allows you, our loved ones and friends, to keep current with us during this time in our lives.
So, I'd say this story really begins on October 27, 2006, our 5th wedding anniversary.
Jen walked through the kitchen door and said, "I peed on a stick." She removed the stick-shaped pregnancy-testing device from her handbag. There was a blue line on it. Pregnant, on our anniversary, no less. We were stunned.
That was 18 weeks ago. We are still stunned. The journey up to this, the halfway point (24 weeks) has been amazing. Here are some of the highlights:
The first ultrasound picture. 8 weeks old here, no idea as to the sex, but we heard the tiny little heartbeat for the first time.
The next ultrasound picture, done around 18 weeks, took my breath away. We saw the baby moving, flipping around, and curling up into a ball. Oh, and we saw his penis. A boy! We left the OBGYN's office with a name picked out for our son: Gaius Sebastian.

And here is "The Belly" at 24 weeks.

We are now more than half-way to the finish line. However, being "halfway" to Gaius's arrival is no consolation. There is so much to do. Go to baby classes, figure out a birthing plan, get the nursery together, and say goodbye, once and for all, to life as we knew it.
That pretty much brings you up to speed on where we are at right now.
It is our plan to post updates at least once a week, hopefully more, so please check back with us and leave your comments.
Heh-heh ... you said penis.
Can't wait to bring Seamus up to play croquet with Gaius!
- j&g
Dam she's gettin big, but don't tell her that. I think I'm bigger though. Hopefully he's not hung like papa.
- fat man hung like grape
If you need help with nythin let me know, I'll make the girlfriend come out and help you she's nice and tall you don't need a ladder.
- fat man hung like grape
I love the name Gaius Sebastian! AWESOME!!!
Thanks, Greta.
Battlestar Galactica reference aside, I must say it is pretty cool.
Fat Man HLG,
Thanks for the offer of help.
Working on the drywall this week; painting in a couple.
You guys can always come out and stay in the Honeymoon Suite anytime.
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