All the baby books say its of the utmost importance to approach my impending labor without fear. Fear causes tension, which constricts the muscles, making birth more difficult. So, I have been reflecting on the milestones I have achieved in my life.
Last August, I climbed Mt. Washington - the highest mountain on the east coast. This was something I talked about frequently and believed that I needed extensive training to do. When Brad suggested we hike this elusive mountain as the first leg of our Maine vacation (yes, Mt. Washington is in NH - it was the first stop) I really didn't think that I would make it and swore he was crazy for even suggesting it. I was looking forward to some relaxing hikes in Acadia instead. However, he insisted that we could do it and here is the proof that he wasn't all that crazy after all!
This being the most recent milestone, I won't bore you with the details of things like deciding to stay in Israel by myself for a few days during my undergraduate years, getting married at 23, deciding to get my MBA, buying our first house - all scary and exciting events that I now look upon with pride.
And that, my friends, is how I intend to deal with the fear of bringing my new baby into this world. Just like climbing Mt. Washington - deliberately, carefully, with exhaustion and one step at a time.
Awesome picture!
I've been amusing myself this evening by catching up with all of your posts, and reading them aloud to Greta. (I left some lame-ass comments on some of them, too.)
She has just finished nursing Seamus to sleep, and now they're lying facing each other next to me in bed. Seamus' little head is resting on a white pillow, and his hair is sticking straight up, because we gave him a bath about a half hour ago. His eyes are closed, his tiny little mouth is slightly open, and he is the very picture of contentment and perfect repose.
You guys have so much to look forward to. Labor is just the beginning of the challenges, but I wouldn't trade this moment for anything.
You will do great in labor, Jen. To get through it, try yelling "Towanda!", like Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes.
That photo is obviously a Photo Shop fake.
I know Brad and there is NO WAY he could haul is fat *ss up a mountain as big as Washington.
Jen, why are you still with this guy, never mind having a baby with him?
By the way, did you tell Brad that you came by the Dyson Industries lab to test out my new "hand-held vacuum"?
Mr. Dyson
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