Although we are very tired and, at times, feel like a couple of candles burning at both ends, we have the good fortune of having a healthy, beautiful baby boy.
I am still too tired to recount the birth story right now, so I will just post more pictures for the time being.
At the hospital, still a little jaundiced.

Gaius with Daddy, at the hospital.

A few of the many faces of Gaius (all taken at home a few days ago).

Gaius and Mommy.

Very nice. Can't wait to see him in person.
He's precious!!! I love him!!!
Isn't he the little angel? I can almost smell baby and feel the softness of so many years ago.
Happy one-week birthday, little guy. Hope you're happily settling in.
I think I'm addicted to these pictures.
aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! He is so cute I could squish his little face into a bun and eat it.
Those closeups of his face are precious!
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