In other baby news, my brother and sister-in-law just found out the (probable) sex of their gestating fetus (check out the link to their blog): a GIRL! For my siblings and I, that makes 2 boys and 2 girls! It makes me so happy that our family has grown by 4 in just under 2 years!
Today, I took the day off. It is preternaturally beautiful this morning out her in Western MA (sunny, 65 degrees, and clear blue skies), so I took some pictures of the yard and various gardening projects.
Planter by the front door, loaded with perennials.

Northwest side of the backyard.

Annual planters and a garden hose.

Blackberry and perennial patch.

South (sunny) side of the house.

Jen is waiting for a Starbucks Frappuccino, so I need to get my act in gear and drive down to Amherst.
As soon as something happens with Gaius, we will let you all know.
Wow, I'm loving the yard! It looks like the work of grownups who know what they're doing, but not with insane Stepford levels of organization and over-manicuring--really complements the area where you live well.
We are keeping the cousins symmetrical so far, aren't we? They're even ordered boy-girl-boy-girl.
Last night I woke up around 3 to get some water, and I thought, "Maybe Jen is having Gaius right now!!" So I thought how cool it would be if I have some super extra sense of connection with your Gaius' birth, but I guess I don't.
Thanks, Jules.
About all the energy I can muster is to cut the grass and pull weeds every 2 weeks!
Next house we get will have a smaller yard, for sure!
Keep sending the vibes, Goldeneye-- Gaius may decide to show up soon!
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