Having just been on the most intense physical and emotional journey of my life, I will let the pictures do the talking for now. The written account of our birth story will appear later.
I present to you, Gaius Sebastian Turner, born June 27, 2007 at 12:53 a.m.

Mom Right after labor (look at the grin--what a warrior!).

Baby Gaius, after one of many feedings.

Mom, laughing at Dad trying to change a diaper and getting covered with meconium.

Gaius, swaddled and sleeping.
One last note. I know some of you have called, and left or texted us messages. Thanks so much for your warm thoughts and prayers. Once we have settled into our new home life and have a chance to breathe, we will get in touch.
Brad, Jen, and Gaius.
Wow, he's here!! And he's adorable! And you guys are parents! Welcome, Gaius. We are so thrilled!
Congradulations mommy & daddy!! He looks perfect!!
Auntie Sue!
Congrats guys!!! He's SO BEAUTIFUL :) I can't wait to meet baby Gaius!
You look beautiful, Jen, and Gaius is so cute!!! Can't wait to hear about how he got here!
Oh my, he's gorgeous! Congratulations to you all.
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