Serious sleep deprivation and baby brain kicking in!
Here are Gaius's key stats:
7 lbs 13.5 ounces
21 inches long
blue eyes
reddish-blond hair
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
June 27, 12:53 a.m.
Wow...where do I begin?
I present to you, Gaius Sebastian Turner, born June 27, 2007 at 12:53 a.m.

Mom Right after labor (look at the grin--what a warrior!).

Baby Gaius, after one of many feedings.

Having just been on the most intense physical and emotional journey of my life, I will let the pictures do the talking for now. The written account of our birth story will appear later.
I present to you, Gaius Sebastian Turner, born June 27, 2007 at 12:53 a.m.

Mom Right after labor (look at the grin--what a warrior!).

Baby Gaius, after one of many feedings.

Mom, laughing at Dad trying to change a diaper and getting covered with meconium.

Gaius, swaddled and sleeping.
One last note. I know some of you have called, and left or texted us messages. Thanks so much for your warm thoughts and prayers. Once we have settled into our new home life and have a chance to breathe, we will get in touch.
Brad, Jen, and Gaius.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Back from the Emerald City
We saw the OBGYN this morning.

He said for sure that Jen is 3.5 to 4cm dilated. In his words: "I can see him coming before Wednesday," qualified by, "Although you never can tell."
Physicians who treat live patients are so frustrating; they never want to commit.
Pathologists have it easy: "I do say, my good men, this patient is deceased! Notice the lack of breathing and no response when I jab his eye with this needle. Now, what do you chaps say we gather up the hounds and go fox hunting?"

After seeing the OBGYN we went to the Amherst Farmers Market, got corn-cherry scones, and walked to UMass. Overall, we walked around 3 miles or so.
Hopefully the walking will get things going, although I have a feeling we are going to go into next week with this waiting game!
We'll keep you posted.
Saturday Morning
Super quick post.
We're off to see the OBGYN, the wondeful OBGYN of Oz, because, because, because, because, because, he's the most wonderful OBGYN if ever an OBGYN there was.

Hopefully we'll have some baby news later today.
After the appointment, we are going to try and see a movie. I'm campaigning for 1408, the movie about an evil hotel room.
We're off to see the OBGYN, the wondeful OBGYN of Oz, because, because, because, because, because, he's the most wonderful OBGYN if ever an OBGYN there was.

Hopefully we'll have some baby news later today.
After the appointment, we are going to try and see a movie. I'm campaigning for 1408, the movie about an evil hotel room.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Things He Will See
No baby Gaius yet! Hopefully this weekend, but we'll have to see. Tonight, we are going to go for a long walk in Amherst to try and get things going. I know...I know...he'll come when he's ready. But we want him here now!
In other baby news, my brother and sister-in-law just found out the (probable) sex of their gestating fetus (check out the link to their blog): a GIRL! For my siblings and I, that makes 2 boys and 2 girls! It makes me so happy that our family has grown by 4 in just under 2 years!
Today, I took the day off. It is preternaturally beautiful this morning out her in Western MA (sunny, 65 degrees, and clear blue skies), so I took some pictures of the yard and various gardening projects.
Planter by the front door, loaded with perennials.

Northwest side of the backyard.

Annual planters and a garden hose.

Blackberry and perennial patch.

South (sunny) side of the house.

Jen is waiting for a Starbucks Frappuccino, so I need to get my act in gear and drive down to Amherst.
As soon as something happens with Gaius, we will let you all know.
In other baby news, my brother and sister-in-law just found out the (probable) sex of their gestating fetus (check out the link to their blog): a GIRL! For my siblings and I, that makes 2 boys and 2 girls! It makes me so happy that our family has grown by 4 in just under 2 years!
Today, I took the day off. It is preternaturally beautiful this morning out her in Western MA (sunny, 65 degrees, and clear blue skies), so I took some pictures of the yard and various gardening projects.
Planter by the front door, loaded with perennials.

Northwest side of the backyard.

Annual planters and a garden hose.

Blackberry and perennial patch.

South (sunny) side of the house.

Jen is waiting for a Starbucks Frappuccino, so I need to get my act in gear and drive down to Amherst.
As soon as something happens with Gaius, we will let you all know.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Waiting Game
The past two days have been quite adventurous.
It all started innocently enough with a dr's visit Friday morning. I was seen by my group practice's midwife (who I had never met before). She examined me and then declared that I was 4 cm dilated, 90% effaced and that the baby was at -2 station. Then she sent me off for the day.
I get to work and all the women I work with want to know how it went, as they do every week. So I give them the statistics and they all start hollering at me to go home and get ready. They insist that I will go into labor by Sunday, if not sooner. I, ever in denial and trying not to be anxious about the impending change in our lives, tell them they are all getting up in a tizzy for no reason. After all, I can't go into labor until at least Wednesday - my doula has to go to Florida Sunday through Tuesday!! I promise to call Brad and my doula, and then return to the solace of my workspace.
I get in touch with Brad (who is already impatient for Gaius' arrival) and give him the news. He shares with the women that he works with, who immediately start a pool as to when I will go into labor.
Around 3pm, I finally reach my doula. She is impressed with the stats, and offers an acupressure treatment that may help to speed things along, if in fact anything is imminent. I discuss with Brad and we agree that it wouldn't hurt. I go to her house for some TLC. She checks out the baby's position, and everything is great. I leave from there with instructions to have sex - which is known to induce labor as well. She promises that she is mine until at least midnight on Saturday and to call in the morning.
All this urgency has us amped up. Saturday morning, I actually begin having contractions which I can feel for the first time since this thing has started, and they seem to be coming at regular intervals. Brad jumps out of bed and builds the co sleeper in preparation. Michelle calls and she asks us to start timing the contractions. She also advises me to eat as much as I can, rest comfortably, and call back in an hour with the results. Brad and I set off for a nice breakfast downtown, and begin timing the contractions. We begin to realize that they are about 8 or 9 minutes apart and start getting excited about the prospect of Gaius coming.
We call Michelle with the news. She says this is great, and offers to come over for more treatments designed to bring the contractions closer together. We agree excitedly. Around 2 pm she comes over and offers us 3 options: 1) more acupressure 2) burning mugwort over acupuncture points 3) sweeping my membranes. I go for a combo cocktail of 1+2 for starters.
We begin to notice that the contractions have begun slowing, not speeding up. After the treatment I declare that I am open to the sweep. We traipse upstairs to the bed. She begins the exam and starts going "hmmm." It seems that I am an not as dilated as the midwife had originally declared - more like 2.5 cm. We decide it is best not to do the sweep, since I am not as progressed as originally thought. Its a little disappointing, but anything could still happen.
Michelle leaves and we return to normal life. We go out to eat. The contractions slowed down to around every half an hour, and were down to one every 2 hours by the time we went to bed last night.
Then this morning, I lost my mucous plug (this is as disgusting as it sounds), and no more contractions. So frustrating! However, the loss of the mucous plug does mean that things are moving along and Gaius could decide to show up at any time. Until then, we wait.
It all started innocently enough with a dr's visit Friday morning. I was seen by my group practice's midwife (who I had never met before). She examined me and then declared that I was 4 cm dilated, 90% effaced and that the baby was at -2 station. Then she sent me off for the day.
I get to work and all the women I work with want to know how it went, as they do every week. So I give them the statistics and they all start hollering at me to go home and get ready. They insist that I will go into labor by Sunday, if not sooner. I, ever in denial and trying not to be anxious about the impending change in our lives, tell them they are all getting up in a tizzy for no reason. After all, I can't go into labor until at least Wednesday - my doula has to go to Florida Sunday through Tuesday!! I promise to call Brad and my doula, and then return to the solace of my workspace.
I get in touch with Brad (who is already impatient for Gaius' arrival) and give him the news. He shares with the women that he works with, who immediately start a pool as to when I will go into labor.
Around 3pm, I finally reach my doula. She is impressed with the stats, and offers an acupressure treatment that may help to speed things along, if in fact anything is imminent. I discuss with Brad and we agree that it wouldn't hurt. I go to her house for some TLC. She checks out the baby's position, and everything is great. I leave from there with instructions to have sex - which is known to induce labor as well. She promises that she is mine until at least midnight on Saturday and to call in the morning.
All this urgency has us amped up. Saturday morning, I actually begin having contractions which I can feel for the first time since this thing has started, and they seem to be coming at regular intervals. Brad jumps out of bed and builds the co sleeper in preparation. Michelle calls and she asks us to start timing the contractions. She also advises me to eat as much as I can, rest comfortably, and call back in an hour with the results. Brad and I set off for a nice breakfast downtown, and begin timing the contractions. We begin to realize that they are about 8 or 9 minutes apart and start getting excited about the prospect of Gaius coming.
We call Michelle with the news. She says this is great, and offers to come over for more treatments designed to bring the contractions closer together. We agree excitedly. Around 2 pm she comes over and offers us 3 options: 1) more acupressure 2) burning mugwort over acupuncture points 3) sweeping my membranes. I go for a combo cocktail of 1+2 for starters.
We begin to notice that the contractions have begun slowing, not speeding up. After the treatment I declare that I am open to the sweep. We traipse upstairs to the bed. She begins the exam and starts going "hmmm." It seems that I am an not as dilated as the midwife had originally declared - more like 2.5 cm. We decide it is best not to do the sweep, since I am not as progressed as originally thought. Its a little disappointing, but anything could still happen.
Michelle leaves and we return to normal life. We go out to eat. The contractions slowed down to around every half an hour, and were down to one every 2 hours by the time we went to bed last night.
Then this morning, I lost my mucous plug (this is as disgusting as it sounds), and no more contractions. So frustrating! However, the loss of the mucous plug does mean that things are moving along and Gaius could decide to show up at any time. Until then, we wait.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007
Falling in to Place
This past weekend, Jen's parents came up to visit one last time before Gaius arrives.
A lot of time was spent up in the nursery getting all of the elements together. Here are some pictures:
Shot of the crib and the baby dresser.

Crib, with Zanzibar comforter.

Changing table, with Filbert on it (trying to be the baby), and Ramen rolling around on the Zanzibar rug.
A lot of time was spent up in the nursery getting all of the elements together. Here are some pictures:
Shot of the crib and the baby dresser.

Crib, with Zanzibar comforter.

Changing table, with Filbert on it (trying to be the baby), and Ramen rolling around on the Zanzibar rug.
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