Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!!

We took Gaius with us this morning to our Ultrasound appt. He did tell the tech that he wanted a girl. I nearly fell off the table when she said "Yup, it's a girl." I'm still in shock. I cried. Here she is

Pics weren't so great this time, but she is doing great and I am doing great, besides the growing lack of real estate in my stomach. I keep tearing up everytime I think about GIRL. Gaius having a little sister. Some more female energy around the house. We are so super excited, especially since I had all but convinced myself that we were having another boy.

Stay tuned for the name....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YaY!!!! I am so happy for all of you. I was hoping I would get a niece. Sabrina