We met Jim, Greta and Seamus in Northampton for the afternoon. After a lovely meal from
Veracruzana, eaten at
Paradise Pond on the
Smith College campus, we of course had to make a stop at
Herrell's for some yummy ice cream treats:

With all that sugar rattling around in the toddlers, of course, hijinks ensued!

Later that evening, we all hung out on the bed before
going to bed. Gaius showed off his musical skills...

...before the night crazies kicked in. What was that old song about no more monkeys jumping on the bed???

A kiss before bedtime from Aunt Julieanna

And a final shot of Cora getting her crazies out!
It was so good to spend the weekend with everyone. Gaius woke up this morning very sad and missing all his cousins :(
Next time, we get to meet Hazel o) The newest addition to the Turner family :)))
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