Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall Festivals 2008 - Big E

So, we went to the Big E. I pushed for it, and got what I thought I wanted. If you've never been, as Brad put it, "I'm glad I went, for the experience. You will never get me to go back!"

This picture does not do any justice to the sheer enormity of the massive wall of people that is the Big E. I was trying to take a picture of the midway, but somehow did not end up with one.

Sheep. Need I say more? Or, as Gaius would say "Doggie!"

Cows. Again, "Doggie!" I must admit, the cows were quite beautiful. If you can imagine it...

And, of course, the real reason to attend the Big E. Not to mention the other tasty treats, like cream puffs, soft serve, cotton candy, (insert your favorite fair food here)

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