As you may have gathered, nights 3, 4, and 5 of Gaius sleeping on his own in the crib didn't go so well. The cry-it-out method turned out to be bullsh*t, too.
On Night 4, Gaius cried for 3.5 hours straight, as loud as he could, until his voice gave out. When he couldn't scream any longer, he croaked and whined. After that, it was back in the bed with Mommy and Daddy for a few hours.
Last night was little better. Before putting Gaius down, we stuffed him full of oatmeal (it's the right thing to do, and the right way to do it) and 6 ounces of formula. Also, when we put him to bed, we went back to swaddling him. These approaches seemed to have a positive effect. Gaius only woke up 3 times over 9 hours, which means Mommy and Daddy got some much needed rest.
We'll have to wait and see what tonight brings. I'm all about patterns, and the pattern has been that once we figure out something that works, Gaius changes his mind about that thing working.
So, no more predictions from me about the night devils departing and the such.
I don't know. I guess anything that works is the way to go. Just keep trying different things. He'll get there eventually. Love Mom
Just remember he won't still be sleeping in your bed when he takes a girl to prom.
He will grow out of it. Music? Does he fall for falling asleep in your bed then moving him?
Good luck.
He could be sleeping in your bed when he takes a girl to the prom....but that would be kinda wierd. And, you'd need a bigger bed.
We are sticking to our sleeping-in-your-crib guns, we've actually had TWO good nights in a row now!
We are using music, that's a really good suggestion. I have this CD of jungle noises (rain, birds, apes) mixed with relaxing music taht we play all night long. It seems to help.
The other thing that really helps is swaddling. For some reason, if his arms and legs are free, it's screaming time.
Thanks goodness we've been able to pay back some of the sleep debt we incurred. Not sure if I could have taken another week.
and then there came daylight savings time...
Sleep deprivation is the worst! It truly is torture, no matter what any Attorney General may say.
I suspect that there is no one sleep program that will work for all (or even most) babies. Every kid is different, and parents must try a lot of trial and error before making progess on this front ... at least that's what I've observed.
Also, remember that most four-month-olds a) have erratic sleep patterns, and b) cry a lot. It's totally normal and it will get better. And then it will get worse again. And then it will get better again. And then it's time to start filling out college applications.
Right now, what works for Seamus during Over-Tired Cranky Time is me holding him and dancing to the Beatles -- a truly hideous sight, I assure you (unless you focus on the beautiful baby instead of my arrythmical jerkings). Last week, he was most soothed by "The Ballad of John and Yoko"; this week it's "Lovely Rita".
I think that blogging about one's child-soothing secrets jinxes it. Evidence: last night, Seamus suddenly stopping being enthralled my interpretive Beatles dancing. So we moved to Plan B: pushing him back and forth in his stroller while playing Aimee Mann. This worked.
Although I was relieved, I was also a bit sad, because there is nothing sweeter than having a Seamus fall asleep in your arms, his arms hugging your chest and his little face snuggled against your shoulder -- which is what happens when I dance with him.
It remains to be seen what will work tonight ...
JIM, I am sorry to hear about your sleep-woes, but I agree that complaining about something seems to change the pattern!
P.S. Wow - Seamus really loves Aimee Mann!
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