This past week was a nightmare. Sleep time in the (East coast) Turner household has become some kind of evil three-ring circus where night devils ride unicycles and demons sells peanuts up in the bleachers.

As you may have gathered, nights 3, 4, and 5 of Gaius sleeping on his own in the crib didn't go so well. The cry-it-out method turned out to be bullsh*t, too.
On Night 4, Gaius cried for 3.5 hours straight, as loud as he could, until his voice gave out. When he couldn't scream any longer, he croaked and whined. After that, it was back in the bed with Mommy and Daddy for a few hours.
Last night was little better. Before putting Gaius down, we stuffed him full of oatmeal (it's the right thing to do, and the right way to do it) and 6 ounces of formula. Also, when we put him to bed, we went back to swaddling him. These approaches seemed to have a positive effect. Gaius only woke up 3 times over 9 hours, which means Mommy and Daddy got some much needed rest.
We'll have to wait and see what tonight brings. I'm all about patterns, and the pattern has been that once we figure out something that works, Gaius changes his mind about that thing working.
So, no more predictions from me about the night devils departing and the such.