Sunday, April 22, 2007

Revelations: Renovations, Book 3

We started painting this Sunday morning!

Yeller is the color we chose, yeller is the color we got. Looks a little too yeller right now if you ask me, but I am sure it will look fine once we get all of the trim up.

Now that I see it in this photo, I think it will be alright; better than that crappy contractor's beige that it used to be.

Below is a picture of me applying the yeller. God, I am grotesque. I look like a gorilla that has been trained to paint. What have I become?

Well, that's it for today. Once this first coat of yeller paint dries, we will put on a second coat and then paint another part of the room yeller. But first, it is off to Northampton (again) to see The Host, a Korean horror/comedy talkie.

What, you think we are seeing too many movies and not doing enough around the house?

To heck with you.

We only have ~ 10 more weekends until this baby is here (knock on wood), we are going to see as many movies as we can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking good! Very sunny and inviting! Gaius is a lucky boy.